Trimurti – त्रिमूर्ति

  1. Hindi
  2. English

Sculpture of Hindu Triumverate in one of the caves on Elephanta Island
एलीफेंटा द्वीप की एक गुफ़ा में मौजूद पत्थर में तराशी गई त्रिदेव की मूरत

5 Comments on —» Trimurti – त्रिमूर्ति

  1. Great to see a new pics on the website. Make the best of Mumbai – travel and click.

  2. Well, not much time to travel around Mumbai now, went to Elephanta last month, this photo is from then! 🙂

  3. बहुत खूब अमित भाई…जाने कहां कहां की सैर कराते हैं आप
    बहुत समय बाद आपके हिन्‍दी बलॉग और फोटो ब्‍लॉग पर आना हुआ…रीडर पर नहीं जाना होता तो अब आपका ब्‍लॉग सब्‍सक्राइब किया है…

  4. Nice to see this image of ‘Trimurti’. It must have been a bit difficult to capture it inside the dark interior, if you haven’t used your speed-light. I’ve been to this place way back in 1992 and it was a very dark and cloudy day. Couldn’t get a good picture with old point and shoot film camera.
    Do they allow taking pics inside the caves? The photo suggests as if the ‘Trimurti’ has been cleaned below neck or is it light/reflection which makes it so?
    No doubt, the photo brings out good details of the stone work.

  5. भुवनेश, मुम्बई जो आया उसने एलीफेंटा और कन्हेरी गुफ़ाएँ नहीं देखी तो क्या देखा! ब्लॉग सब्स्क्राइब करने के लिए आभार। 🙂

    Nishant, it was indeed difficult to capture & I didn’t use any speedlight (I wouldn’t have even if I had one). I don’t prefer to use artificial lights, not for the kind of photos I take. 🙂 You would’ve been able to get a good photo with old point & shoot film camera had you used a high speed film, a regular film won’t be of any use in such places. Yes, cameras are allowed inside & the below neck part is affected by light. Its not one of my better shots but I learnt a few things with this trip & I hope I can go back again sometime soon to take advantage of what I learnt & get better photos. 🙂


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