Colours of a Flower – फूल के रंग

8 Comments on —» Colours of a Flower – फूल के रंग

  1. मनभावन!!

  2. ooohhhh corola!!! 🙂 cool colour combinations by nature and nicely captured! 🙂

  3. Beautiful. Is it a Dahlia?

  4. धन्यवाद समीर जी।
    Thanks Sakhi & Ansy.
    Ansy, its not any variety of Dahlia. I’m not able to recall its name at present, will update post as soon as I find out. :tup:

  5. very pretty!

  6. wow lovely. i’m seeing your pictures after such a long time. have you not been taking photos?

  7. Thanks Reema, Snigs.
    Snigs, I haven’t taken any photos recently, last I took were from two blogger meets in December & Jaipur trip before that in November. I still have to process the photos from Jaipur. 😉 This photo here I took last August. 🙂

  8. really beautiful and amaging


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