Kedar Peak – केदार पर्वत

  1. Hindi
  2. English

I took this photo while trekking up to Tungnath for the first time. The views all along that 3000 feet climb were so indescribable that they might have put the word "magnificent" to shame!! 🙂
मैंने यह फोटो तब लिया था जब तुन्गनाथ की चढ़ाई पहली बार करी थी। तीन हज़ार फीट की उस पूरी चढ़ाई के दौरान जो दृश्य देखे थे वे कदाचित्‌ "भव्य" शब्द की महिमा को भी कम कर देते!! 🙂

33 Comments on —» Kedar Peak – केदार पर्वत

  1. लाजबाब तस्वीर. मोहित कर गई!!

  2. divine…..!!

  3. Love the gradient shades of white, blue, and green

  4. विराट

  5. अन्तर सोहिल on 17th June 2009 at 1147 hours:  

    बहुत खूबसूरत तस्वीर के लिये धन्यवाद
    नमस्कार स्वीकार करें

  6. wow you just made me nostalgic. It was the beauty of this place that forced me to go there again this time with Vinayak.

    The place is pure magic.

  7. धन्यवाद समीर जी, संजय भाई, श्री अंतर सोहिल
    Thanks Tanu, Ansy.
    Snigs, yes you are right, this place is like a bliss! 🙂

  8. सत्य वचन प्रभु. आलौकिक दृश्य और शानदार तस्वीर

  9. Divine, I would love to visit this place.

  10. धन्यवाद पंकज 🙂
    Prerna, do visit this place, you won’t be disappointed. :tup: Its a minimum 4 day thing from Delhi – which includes 1 day to drive there (approx. 500 km one way) & 1 day to drive back. Cars etc. go till Chopta only & from there its a 4km trek uphill in which you climb 3000 feet which takes about 3 hours if you are quite fit or you can do it at even more easy pace in 4-4.5 hours. 🙂 First time I did it in about 4.5 hours & second time it was done in about 3.5 hours. 🙂

  11. Ati uttam! 🙂

  12. adbhut…

  13. भरत on 18th June 2009 at 1732 hours:  

    आपकी खिची गयी तस्वीर बड़ी अच्छी लगी | इसे देख कर एक ही गाना याद आ रहा है |
    यह कौन चित्रकार है , यह कौन चित्रकार है |
    हरी भरी वसुंधरा पर नीला नीला यह गगन

    यह गाना मुकेश जी ने फिल्म “बूँद बने मोती” में गाया है |

  14. धन्यवाद सखी, मनीष जी। 🙂
    भरत, गाना वाकई आपको उत्तम याद आया है, बहुत सुन्दर हैं गाने के बोल और मुकेश जी ने बहुत बढ़िया गाया था। 🙂

  15. First time here. Glad to have bumped into your Photoblog… Loving every shot.
    You know I read ur comment on Reema’s Blog. You should open a writing blog too coz you have something to say. Could even be about your experience as a Lensman 🙂

  16. @SpontaneousMini
    Thanks for liking the blog & the photos. 🙂

    As for writing blog, well at the fear of sounding boastful, I’ve those too, over the years there’ve been many in different genres but one that’s been continuing for last 4 years is my hindi blog. This photo blog is the latest in line which I started only last year. You can check all my links here. 🙂

  17. एक ही शब्द में कहें तो “अद्‍भुद”

  18. Straightway to Heaven..!! 🙂
    Reminds me so much of Manali (Rohtang Pass) .. 🙂

  19. धन्यवाद सागर जी। 🙂
    Thanks Anu. 🙂

  20. अमित भाई

    बहुत खूबसूरत फोटू। कहने वाला था कि शिव जी बिना वजह ही यहाँ नही रहते पर वह तो कैलाश पर्वत पर हैं। मेर मोनिटर पर फोटो में एक वर्टिकल लाइन नजर आ रही है, ये क्या है

  21. धन्यवाद पंकज भाई। हिमालय के मैंने किसी ऐसे पर्वत की फोटो नहीं देखी जिसमें वह मनमोहक न लगा हो, सदैव बर्फ़ से ढके ये पर्वत शीतलता ही बिखेरते प्रतीत होते हैं। 🙂

    वर्टिकल लाईन का पता नहीं, एक स्क्रीनशॉट ईमेल करो तो कदाचित्‌ कुछ बता सकूँ।

  22. Wow! What a sight. The photo is great but I keep wanting to look around it as if I were there!

    Sounds like a hell of a climb, but I bet the views were more than worth it!

  23. Thanks Andy. We started from about 9000 feet high & then reached 12000 feet high in about 4 hours walking on a 4km long steep trail, yes it was hell of a climb but it was indeed more than worth it. The thing was that I felt tired while walking up but when I finally reached the top all fatigue just vaporised in thin air & I felt refreshed & fully active! High places like these indeed have magic which makes one feel refreshed even after a tiring climb up to the top! 🙂

  24. That’s cool

    I was just trying to think and realised I’ve never climbed (or hiked) up a mountain to the summit. I’m shocked at myself! I’ll need to pencil that in and try out the magic for myself.

    Not sure about the mountains in Wales though, i think they are probably classed as hills in comparison to the Himalayas! 😀

  25. Ah, you should try & do it, atleast once. The higher & more difficult the mountain, the more intoxicating the magic is when you reach the top! (I think it kinda gives boost to the ego having conquered a mighty mountain, eh!). 😀

    I’ve been here at Tungnath twice & its one place where I can go again & again. Though one thing here that I’ve still not done is go upto the summit which is Chandrashila Peak, a further 1000 feet climb via a walk on about 800 meters long trail which is steeper than the initial 4km trail which ends at Tungnath temple. Both times rains in the early morning ruined my plans of going to the summit to watch sun rising from behind Nanda Devi Peak while the Trishul & Chaukhamba Peaks glow in its golden glow! Perhaps weather will be kind next time I go there! 🙂

    And I think I’ve read that there are some nice & high mountains in Wales & Scotland, give them a try. And maybe once you feel the magic then you would come out here to get the Himalayan magic! 😀

  26. BuroDadu on 7th July 2009 at 1439 hours:  

    You guys make me jealous. I let my youth slip by worrying about LIFE, Now I am too old to really live.

  27. very good picture amit bhai

  28. Chitra bahut hi khoobsoorat hai…

    lekin ye save kyon nahi hota…. mujhe ye chitra chahiye….

  29. रवि बाबू, फोटो की प्रशंसा के लिए आभार। 🙂

    यह फोटो इसलिए नहीं सेव कर पा रहे हैं क्योंकि मैं नहीं चाहता कि कोई मेरी फोटुओं को सेव कर सके या कहीं और प्रयोग कर सके। वैसे भी ये सभी फोटो मेरी संपत्ति हैं और बिना मेरी अनुमति के इनका प्रयोग गैर कानूनी है। 🙂

  30. अमित भाई,

    लेकिन ये फोटो तो मुझे दे दो… बहुत हे खूबसूरत है… मुझे बहुत पसंद है…

    प्लीज़ दे दो भाई… मैं कही भी उसे नही करूँगा… सिर्फ़ आपने डेस्कटॉप पे लगा लूँगा….


  31. Now this is I call a great picture…. really wonderful color effect and ek hi word yaar aa raha hai vihangam.

  32. Thanks Anurag. No editing or post processing has been done on this, it came out of camera just like this. 🙂

  33. Amit Bhai…. nature ke color ke aage sare color phike hai


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