Coffee O Coffee – कॉफ़ी रे कॉफ़ी

  1. Hindi
  2. English

[tab name="en"]Viewers of this blog asked for something non-alcoholic, so here it is a non-alcoholic drink by popular demand.

One of my favourite coffees from Café Coffee Day – Columbian Quest[/tab] [tab name="hi"]इस ब्लॉग के दर्शकों ने गैर मद्यजन्य पेय की माँग की, तो पेश है लोकप्रिय फरमाइश से एक गैर मद्यजन्य पेय।

कैफ़े कॉफ़ी डे में मिलने वाली मेरी एक पसंदीदा कॉफ़ी – कोलोम्बियन क्वेस्ट[/tab]

10 Comments on —» Coffee O Coffee – कॉफ़ी रे कॉफ़ी

  1. कप खाली है या भरा!

  2. wow coffee can change your life…..

  3. great flick capture…

  4. wow, the background is adding to the whole photo. If u cd capture the steam coming out of the hot coffee cup that would have looked really cool.

  5. इच्छा हो रही है, निकाल कर पी लूँ.

  6. अनूप जी, गिलास लगभग खाली ही था जब फोटो ली! 🙂
    संजय भाई, पी सको तो पी लो!! 😉

  7. really !!! good coffee can change your life…

  8. Thanks Seema & Vinay!
    Snigs – yep the steaming mugs etc. look very cool, I’ve tried 1-2 times but haven’t been successful, but will try again! It wasn’t possible with this one as I took this last summer & the coffee was almost finished – just last couple of swallows remaining! 🙂

  9. Wow. I quite like the boke lights in the background of the mall. Nice contrast in the dof all round. 🙂

  10. Thanks Andy 🙂


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