A Wasp – एक ततैया

  1. Hindi
  2. English

[tab name="en"]A wasp whose macro I was able to take while it was hovering around flowers & for a few moments got between some leaves from where it was not able to get out. As soon as I'd taken the photo though the wasp stung me & went on his merry way! 😉

As I was playing around with this photo I got the idea of making everything black & white and keeping the wasp in colour. After I did it the results looked good & so I decided to keep this version. 🙂 [/tab] [tab name="hi"]एक ततैया जिसका मैक्रो फोटो मैंने तब लिया जब वह फूलों पर मंडराते-२ अचानक कुछ पत्तों के बीच आ गया और उसको बाहर निकलने का मार्ग नहीं मिला। यह अलग बात है कि जैसे ही मैंने फोटो लिया ततैया मेरे हाथ पर डंक मार अपने रास्ते आगे बढ़ गया!! 😉

कंप्यूटर पर इस फोटो के साथ छेड़खानी करते-२ अचानक ही मन में आया कि इस फोटो को श्वेत-श्याम कर दिया जाए लेकिन ततैये को रंगीन ही रखा जाए। ऐसा करने के बाद जब फोटो देखी तो मामला जंच गया और इस फोटो को रख लिया गया। 🙂 [/tab]

9 Comments on —» A Wasp – एक ततैया

  1. Nice colors – hows the sting 😉

  2. wow this is very well taken and processed.

  3. bhoopendra singh on 3rd December 2008 at 1227 hours:  

    very good blog, I must appriciate.Ill love to have a response box like you. Will you please provide me how to do this and from where?
    with regards

  4. Ansy, thanks! The sting healed long ago – I took this photo in September last year! 🙂
    Thanks Snigs! 🙂
    Bhoopendra, this comment box is a regular one which is there in WordPress. I just added the toolbar on its left – the design & icons on it are my own design, I took some code from the quicktags javascript of WordPress and modified it as per my needs. 🙂

  5. मामला सोलिड है दोस्त.

    जरा अपने केमेरे के बारे मे अवगत करवाओ.

  6. धन्यवाद पंकज। 🙂 मेरे पास पैनासोनिक का FZ50 कैमरा है, इसके बारे में अधिक यहाँ देखो

  7. nice shot!!

  8. Thanks Nitin. 🙂

  9. awesome!!


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