O Solitude – ऐ तन्हाई

- Hindi
- English
O Solitude You're so Peaceful That its quite Disturbing and Un-Comfortable For I can feel the Silent Noise Rising from all around, from that unmoving boat, from those still waters, from the dumb skies Yet you're so quiet… so quiet!!
We feel we have all the company in the world & yet deep down we are all so lonely!![/tab] [tab name="hi"]
ऐ तन्हाई तू कितनी मृदु है ऐसी कि विक्षुब्ध करती और असहज सी प्रतीत होती है क्योंकि मैं महसूस कर सकता हूँ उस खामोश शोर को जो उठता सा लगता है हर ओर से, उस अचल नाव से, उस स्थिर जल से, उस मौन आकाश से लेकिन फिर भी तू कितनी शांत है… कितनी शांत है!!
कितने ही हमारे साथी हों कि हमें कभी एकान्त का स्वाद न मिले लेकिन अंदर ही अंदर हम कितने अकेले होते हैं!![/tab]
11 Comments on —» O Solitude – ऐ तन्हाई
सुन्दर. तस्वीर देखते ही मूँह से निकला.
wow this is so well captured. some how I feel a sepia wd add a lot of drama to this photo. Very cool shot and I like the caption too 🙂
धन्यवाद संजय भाई। 🙂
Thanks Snigs for liking the photo & the caption. 🙂 And thanks for the sepia idea, hadn’t thought about that. Will try the sepia tone on this as soon as I get my hard disk back. :tup: -
बहुत ही बढिया
धन्यवाद पंकज 🙂
Cool… quite similar and yet so different 🙂 Glad i came over… adding you to my reader 🙂
Thanks Sakhi 🙂
Hey, just love the reflection of this one. This was taken at OBP na?
Yeah, the day we last went there. -
Which camera do u use.. and which computer software… well I am novice photographer.
Anurag, I use a Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ50 camera. Post processing in this photo was done using the free online tool Picnik. Besides that you can also use Gimp which is a free tool. Adobe Lightroom & Photoshop are other tools which can be used but they’re not free.