The Old Coachman – बूढ़ा कोचवान

3 Comments on —» The Old Coachman – बूढ़ा कोचवान

  1. hey, this photo is really nice. There is something very interesting about this photo. I also like the “Up is down” wine glass photo but since I have already left a reply for you in Flickr am not leaving a reply here. Your photography has really improved. 🙂

  2. Thanks Snigs! 🙂

    There is something very interesting about this photo.

    Do tell what you find interesting about this photo.

    I also like the “Up is down” wine glass photo but since I have already left a reply for you in Flickr am not leaving a reply here.

    Ok, no problemo! 😉

    Your photography has really improved.

    Thanks! 🙂

  3. चित्र – बूढा कोचवान
    कोचवान बूढा लिए छाता बैठा मौन
    दूर गली से आ रहा युगल न जाने कौन?
    कल इसका भी समय था सड़क अश्व को ज्ञात
    आज थका चुक गया है मिली समय से मात


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